Title: Inkosi Ya Makosi M'Belwa I
Description: Memorial to Inkosi Ya Makosi M'Belwa I. He was the son of Zwangendaba, a great Ngoni leader who caused a wave of terror to tribes he encountered on his flight from Shaka Zulu of South Africa. After the death of Zwangendaba, there was a dispersal of the Ngoni at Songea, Tanzania due to succession disputes. The largest group under his son Mbelwa I migrated to settle in Mzimba, Northern Malawi. Mbelwa I raided and conquered many tribes around his settlement. The Tumbukas and Tongas were some of the victims of his raids. Inkosi Ya Makosi(meaning King of Kings) was the tittle given to Mbelwa I and all his successors, a name given to a paramount ruler of the Ngonis.