Title: Blantyre Old Boma
Description: Built by John Buchanan from 1887 and completed in 1892 the building was the original town hall. in 1891 Sir Harry Johnston turned it into an office hence it became the first British colonial administration centre in Malawi. It entails the history of establishment of colonial rule in Malawi. The location was originally occupied by Ntaja's Stockade, from whom Johnston bought the land. Built in 1892 by John Buchanan, who introduced coffee growing to Malawi. Currently occupied by various tenants. Condition sound, with interesting historic finishes still around building, well, old brick making machine.
Title: Blantyre Old Boma 037
Title: Blantyre Old Boma 039
Title: Blantyre Old Boma 1
Title: Blantyre Old Boma 2
Title: Blantyre Old Boma 2
Title: Blantyre Old Boma (Town Hall 1)
Title: Blantyre Old Boma (Town Hall 1)